SpectraGrow LED Lights
The SG4 hangs from uni-strut, trusses or other mounting devices with optional hangars and suspension kits. Available in two standard spectra and seven standard beam patterns. Custom spectra can also be manufactured.
Contact us for free custom layouts and beam patterns
Perfect fit lighting for Tower Farms, Harvest Walls, and Greenhouse supplemental lighting
Customizable lenses that direct light to your vertical growing area
The SG4 hangs from uni-strut, trusses or other mounting devices with optional hangars and suspension kits. Available in two standard spectra and seven standard beam patterns. Custom spectra can also be manufactured.
Contact us for free custom layouts and beam patterns
Perfect fit lighting for Tower Farms, Harvest Walls, and Greenhouse supplemental lighting
Customizable lenses that direct light to your vertical growing area
The SG4 hangs from uni-strut, trusses or other mounting devices with optional hangars and suspension kits. Available in two standard spectra and seven standard beam patterns. Custom spectra can also be manufactured.
Contact us for free custom layouts and beam patterns
Perfect fit lighting for Tower Farms, Harvest Walls, and Greenhouse supplemental lighting
Customizable lenses that direct light to your vertical growing area